Kita Conversations is an ongoing dialogue regarding food and its production, history and consumption in the Southeast Asia region. It is a platform to discuss gastronomy and the F&B industry without the buzzwords that have adulterated well-meaning concepts like authenticity, farm to table and sustainability.

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Fundamental Hospitality | Oliver Truesdale Jutras | Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Looking into The Past to Feed the Present | Nithiya Laila |
Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Decoding Enzymes: Novel Culinary Techniques | John Regefalk |
Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Following The Money: How To Save Big by Reducing Food Waste | Benjamin Lephilibert |
Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Anissa Helou | Feast: Food of the Islamic World | Singapore |
Oct 2023

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Sun Worship: Being a Chef in the Pre-Apocalyse | Oliver Truesdale Jutras | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Sustainability Not Only as a Practice, But a Frame of Mind | Matt Orlando | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Culinary Causeway: Gastronomic DNA of Malaysia & Singapore |
Khir Johari | Kuala Lumpur |
Oct 2023

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Defining and Redefining Luxury through Local Ingredients | Chele Gonzalez | Kuala Lumpur |
Oct 2023

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Elevating Malaysian Cuisine in Australia | Diana Chan | Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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A Sustainable Ecosystem | Deepankar Khosla |
Singapore | Oct 2023

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The Profound Impact of Culinary Ratings & Celebrity Chef Culture | David Thompson | Singapore |
Oct 2023

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The Role of Chefs in Shaping Alternative Food Networks | Eric Olmedo | Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Transforming Hyatt’s Flagship Asian Hotel Into A Pinnacle of Sustainability | Steffan Heerdt | Kuala Lumpur |
Oct 2023

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The Trend of Temperance |
Aaron Trotman | Kuala Lumpur |
Oct 2023

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Heterogeneity: The Myth of a Singular Indian Food Identity | Prateek Sadhu | Singapore |
Oct 2023

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The Whole Beast: Crafting Menus Out of One Animal | Peter Smit | Singapore | Oct 2023

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The Making of Kampot Pepper | Nithiya Laila | Singapore |
Oct 2023

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My Neighbours in Kandahar Street | Khir Johari | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Cultured Meat: The (Unedible) Elephant in the Room | George Pepou | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Sustainability of the Mind | Matt Stone | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Bahay Kubo: My Home Away From Home | Kurt Sombero | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Growing Food Sustainably |
Dr Farshad Shishehchian |
Singapore | Oct 2023

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Moving Margins: Drinking More Whilst Staying Sober | Aaron Trotman | Singapore | Oct 2023

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Panel: The Malaysian F&B Landscape | Darren Chin, Jenifer Kuah, Raymond Tham | Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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Panel: Navigating The Plate | Ami Sugiyama, Darren Chin, Oliver Truesdale Jutras | Kuala Lumpur | Oct 2023

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