Planting seeds for the future.
About The Programme

Our Mission
To reach new heights of culinary innovation, we must look to the roots.
What can we do to enrich the future and allow the next generation of Malaysian chefs to flourish?
Enter Horizons: a one-of-a-kind, free-to-attend mentorship programme with farm visits, masterclasses, study groups, and cooking programmes; events which aim to inspire, advance, and broaden the horizons of a new generation of chefs.
Our Approach

Each year, we select a group of passionate and promising young cooks and take them on a culinary journey across Malaysia. There are visits to trailblazing local farms, producers and manufacturers, as well as masterclasses helmed by experts from the local food scene.
By bringing the young cooks up close and personal with ethical practices and giving them access to new ideas and techniques, we hope to broaden their worldviews and arm them with the skills that will help them thrive.
What we did during our 2024 Horizons programme:

A trip to A Little Farm on the Hill, a sustainable organic farm in Janda Baik growing about 30 to 40 types of crops at any one time.

A visit to Chocolate Concierge’s cocoa farm in Raub, home to Malaysia’s first single-origin chocolate and a pioneer in multi-story forest regenerative cropping.

An afternoon at Natural Tropical Farm, where farmer Eric Ng raises his free-range hens on an exclusive diet of produce grown on his two-acre plot and recycled oyster shells from Kuala Lumpur restaurants.

A talk by Chef Grzegorz Odolak, Executive Chef of Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur on food waste, followed by an exclusive tour of the hotel’s kitchens and farm.
Horizons in 2024

A series of masterclasses by our mentor chefs, who each demonstrate a key flavour or technique they have mastered.
Special thanks to our 2024 mentor chefs:
Lim Heng Kit
LI Restaurant
Jack Weldie
Chipta 11A
Yavhin Siriwardhana
After immersive farm tours and skill-building masterclasses, our candidates were put into teams to source prepared then cook exclusive lunches for guests of Arla Foods Malaysia, our sponsor for this year’s programme. We held lunches in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, and Johor Bahru, with dishes incorporating local produce and Arla dairy products.
The Horizons programme will culminate with a special Thank You Dinner in Kuala Lumpur after the KL Weekender; an invite-only event for partners, chefs, collaborators and guardian angels who have made the festival possible. The hook? The Horizons teams need to come up with dishes using what are considered second-grade proteins and surplus vegetables, as an ode to food waste, creativity and inventiveness.
Horizons in 2024
Horizons 2024 is made possible with the support of Arla Foods Malaysia. Thank you for helping us along in our journey!